THE STAR CHILD by Stephanie Keyes
Thank you Sthephanie for providing me with an e-copy for review!!
If you are a fan of magic and folklore you should definitely read this book!
I was really curious about the content and, after reading it, i was really glad that i have read this book.
The male protagonist of the book, Kellen St. James is a really amazing character who graduates from Yale at the age of 17. He has a really bad relationship with his father who can only turn from bad to worse as the action progresses.
Tired of everything, Kellen goes in Ireland to live with his grandmother whom he can’t have for too much time in his life since she dies, leaving him her cottage.
Kellen starts to remember about some dreams he had about a girl named Calienta, dreams which turn out not to be dreams but reality! Kellen falls in love with the most beautiful Calienta and discovers that he must fight the darkness.
A Prophecy, a love between two lovers, a fight in the underworld; you can find all these in Keyes’ amazing book.
The author’s writing style is really wonderful and some paragraphs really hit the spot!
I enjoyed reading this book and I really loved (and still loving!) the beautiful cover ♥♥♥.
“She looked away from me then, but I caught her chin with the tips of my fingers and gentle turned her face back to mine. Slowly, she met my eyes again. When we first met, I believed that our connection existed because she had a family, which was something I wanted desperately. Now, as I stared into her eyes, there was definitely more to it than that.”
“I stood, shielding Calienta, gripping a sword, as we clung together in a patch of fog looking out into the gray distance. I wore a white shirt, which was soaked through, and the same jeans that I’d just changed into. Around my neck, I wore the silver pendant that my mother had left me. Looking up, I met the eyes of the warrior. I smelled my own death, could forsee it in the half-crazed glare that he directed at me.”
“She was a queen, walking calmly and proudly to meet me at the end of our makeshift aisle. And when I met her eyes, her smile could have lit up the sky. I was struck with the realization that she loved me. She really and truly loved me.”
This book sounds interesting! :>
You should try it!! 😀 It's nice ^^